This parcel, spanning 2.64 acres, includes a 3,200 square foot, two-story, single-family residential structure erected in 1983. The house is a concrete, earth sheltered structure with passive solar heating. Situated within Washington County, at the edge of and within the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB), the area is zoned R-6. The property is a picturesque, tranquil setting with a north facing view away from the dense residential Bethany neighborhood. The unspoiled hilly acreage is an independent lot that was part of a 56 acre family farm no longer in business. With native cedar and fir
trees that exude a pastoral feel and views of nearby farms and Forest Park, the property is in convenient proximity to downtown Portland. Located on the hillside, it is a testament to 1980s' sustainable architecture featuring a green roof. The property can retain its current single- family house, or be redeveloped into 13 to 16 homes with the option of additional units under the current Middle Housing ordinance. Buyers to provide their own due diligence. Property developers are encouraged to consider the potential of this promising land. Formerly cattle ranch, hay and organic food farm.
trees that exude a pastoral feel and views of nearby farms and Forest Park, the property is in convenient proximity to downtown Portland. Located on the hillside, it is a testament to 1980s' sustainable architecture featuring a green roof. The property can retain its current single- family house, or be redeveloped into 13 to 16 homes with the option of additional units under the current Middle Housing ordinance. Buyers to provide their own due diligence. Property developers are encouraged to consider the potential of this promising land. Formerly cattle ranch, hay and organic food farm.
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